

To create and establish Biblical patterned community care systems through body ministry for visitation to the hurting homeless, elderly, disabled, and veterans by equipping training, teaching, and utilizing waste to provide employment, and educate in  life skill sets while promoting business growth models that enrich entire community, and unify, support and empower the body of Jesus Christ to further spread the Gospel, bring salvation to the lost, prospering our nation, our world and securing future generations.

True vision always involves God's purposes and ours involves addressing many difficult social issues touching us all, while encouraging and growing  every level of community involvement from business to churches, as well as individuals. God's intentions and direction through the Holy Spirit in responding to the demanding issues of those in need within our communities calls for detailed action to initiate change, transitioning temporary adjustments to more permanent solutions. The action always needs to be preceded by vision that comes from God worked through the appointed vessels God Himself summons to the task. Man appoints to position while God calls and places those He anoints. "Except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it" Psalm 127:1. When that which God desires is revealed, and He desires a season of change, the efforts of man to hold on to old patterns and create Ishmaels are always in the works; we therefore proceed with specifics given to the called of Christ with every conscious effort for them to be walked out in God's righteous ways to establish His Newness of Life in Christ Jesus "Transitional Resource Center" and experience His truth in change.

We have looked long and hard into the heart of our Father God, the mind of Christ and the Holy Scriptures for answers to the shortcomings, challenges and expenditures of our shelters, as well as current insufficient care systems for  our elderly, disadvantaged and Veterans researching matters of concern to find  viable, practical, far less expensive and more efficient solutions which will ease the burdens of both taxpayers and government at the same time impacting  entire community with aid to our needy, families,and  caretakers while providing  employment and business growth community and nation and finally worldwide . Our central focus is to receive a fresh breath from the  Holy Spirit breathing  "NEWNESS OF LIFE IN CHRIST JESUS" upon us to replace long defunct dead and insufficient systems .

Powerful, long lasting ministry to the needy homelessness, elderly and all and those hurting within our neighborhoods requires the efforts body ministry, therefore we embrace the bringing together of experienced, able bodied craftsmen who are expert and seasoned in their respective fields effectually appropriating their skill sets to serve the whole. In doing so we march forward to provide our first “NEWNESS OF LIFE-GIVING IN CHRIST TRANSITIONAL RESOURCE CENTER” whose foundation is built upon and in Christ Jesus.

Our attentions turn toward transitioning individual lives, held captive by lack of life skill sets, drug addiction, past failures, age issues, or any unfortunate circumstances within our communities. Those unable to help themselves will be given a chance for new life through establishing this haven with the ability to house three to four hundred people at a time, including families and the elderly. Our center will remain open year round, producing unique products, employing, training, renewing hopes and working to re-establish productive members of all ages and backgrounds back into society while prospering business and the whole of our society. 

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